Saturday, July 19, 2014

Kale Omelette


I used some of that beautiful Italian Heirloom Kale from my garden to make a beautiful omelette. I included tomatoes, as my husband loves them in omelettes, onions, a bit of left over yellow summer squash. a few spoons of left over mashed potatoes (Yukon Gold and water), and a huge mushroom. I chopped everything up and sauteed in a bit of hot water as my husband (who had a heart attack at age 49) continues on a very low fat diet, but for the fats naturally found in veggies.

Per eggs, I took the yolks of half of the eggs and saved them for another recipe, as we try not to eat too many egg yolks, the other eggs were left whole. I beat the eggs but did not add any water to them as my veggies are cooked but with so many there may be some lingering wetness.

My mother would have beaten the egg whites, but I only do that for "special" occasions!

This is a big omelett and it should feed 4, but since we are only 2, it can also be for lunch or dinner
with an arugula salad from my garden.

First, I cooked all the veggies until tender, then gently beat the egg white/egg yolk mixture and slowly, under low heat, cook the omelette. In fact, it is slowly cooking on the lowest heat as I
write this.

Omelettes are the most tender if cooked on low heat, but we have to be careful of salmonella, etc, so I cook it until the top is more than set. I do not turn this type of omelette over until I plate it as this omelette is heavy on vegetables.


Here is the omelette plated out, I turn it upside down on the plate to show off the veggies!

I hate to admit it, but we ate the entire omelette! Guess it will be vegetarian spaghetti  tonight! Luckily, we both love spaghetti -- I like the brands from Italy best, my middle sister Cecile
does too!

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