Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Cousin Yetta's Incredible Library Brownies

In the past, I have posted low fat brownie recipes including ingredients such as black beans or Greek Yogurt, but here is a full fat brownie recipe that I make for special occassions.

When I made these brownies for a bake sale at work, I would be called all day long to see if any might be left.

My cousins would say, Mommy never froze these brownies as they barely made it out of the oven. The kids would be standing in front of the oven waiting for these brownies to bake. Don't think my cousins ever ate a cooled brownie. They freeze well for me and are a very special treat at two sticks of butter!

4 eggs
2 cups of sugar
4 squares of chocolate (4 ounces)
2 sticks of butter
1 cup of flour
1 tablespoon of vanilla
1/2 cup nuts

Cream all the butter but for a about a tablespoon, add sugar and slowly add one egg at a time. Melt chocolate with the tablespoon or little bit of butter and add to creamed mixture. Add flour, nuts, and vanilla.

9x12 pan
Bake 20-30 minutes at 350 F.

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