Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Microwave Popcorn

I have made popcorn in the microwave two ways, one using a brown paper bag and the other using a glass pyrex safe for the microwave bowl.

 It is easiest to make popcorn in the microwave using a brown paper bag.

1/2 cup popcorn kernels

1 tsp oil (such as canola) or 1/2 tsp oil and a few thin slivers of butter  Note: fat is OPTIONAL

1 brown paper bag 

Microwave for 2 minutes

Mix the popcorn kernels with the oil. This method also works with NO fat, just the kernels in the bag, in which case I prefer to use only 1/4 cup kernels. I buy whatever kernels are on sale.

If using oil, I mix the oil with the kernels in the measuring cup. Any type of seasoning can be added at this point and mixed into the oil and kernel mixture.  Place the kernel/oil mixture into a paper bag. Fold the top of the paper bag twice, about 1 inch for each fold. Place in microwave for 2 minutes. I have reused the paper bag shown below a few times.

If using "NO fat," I prefer using 1/4 cup kernels and stop my microwave at about 1:45, at which time there are almost no un-popped kernels in the bag.

                    Fold the bag over twice, about 1 inch for each fold.

                         See inside the brown paper bag, fluffy popcorn!

To make popcorn with no oil, no fat and no brown bag, I use a microwave safe Pyrex glass bowl and cover it with parchment paper, place a few slits in the parchment paper for steam to escape, and fasten the paper to the glass bowl using a large rubber band. I have found that using the glass bowl method increases the time in my microwave to almost 4 minutes.

Be cautious in popping the kernels in the glass Pyrex bowl as the bowl gets very hot!

The paper bag method of making popcorn is much easier, takes only 2 minutes in the microwave, and one does not have to handle or clean the very hot glass bowl. I am so pleased I did not have to buy another air popper to make air popped corn as it is very fluffy and fast to pop corn in the microwave!

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